
Showing posts from February, 2023

NPM: Semantic Versioning Characters

  Semantic Versioning Semantic versioning is a solution for the software management term of "Dependency Hell". A software usually depends on other software.  But usually the "other" software also depends also on other products. The illustration above shows a tree of dependencies. Like in the illustration, your software can depend on an other software in different versions. To resolve issues like not to install same dependency multiple times or install the latest version of a software, there is a need of standardized software dependecy management. Semantic versioning standard offers tools like npm or yarn to resolve such dependencies. 📗 BASICS A semantic version consists of three numbers seperated by a dot: 1.1.1 Major Release.Minor Release.Patch Release 🥇Major Release: 2 .1.1 You increase your version to a major release when  your code has breaking changes  the users of your software need to update their code, e.g an API change or sth else which has causes a major

Debug Azure Function locally with https on a custom domain

Description If you want to deploy an Azure Function normally this endpoint is publicly available. Therefore you need to secure the connection to this endpoint at least with ssl. Before you deploy you also want to test the connection probably locally. The following steps should help you to setup a https connection to a local Azure Function. 1 STEP: Create a Self Signed Certificate via PowerShell Open Windows Terminal or PowerShell as an Administrator The following script will create a self signed certificate in the "Users" own certificate store with the password 12345 The script will also export the certificate as PFX to C:\server.pfx The domain for the certificate will be "" $cert = New-SelfSignedCertificate -DnsName "", "" -CertStoreLocation "cert:\LocalMachine\My" $myPwd = ConvertTo-SecureString -String "12345" -Force -AsPlainText Get-ChildItem -Path "cert:\localMachine\My